November 17, 2009

obviously + ink.

you might've realised that i've changed the url and name of my blog.
if you hadn't, well.. seriously.

so yeah, the explanation -
i was thinking, and i wanted a motto, like for my life.
something to motivate me and that jazz.

so, 'the rain will never stop us'
its kind of like saying, no excuses, just go for it.
we all hear people say 'oh, but it was raining'
or blaming SOMETHING on the weather.
it's your own problem, not the weather's.
get on with life, and stop making excuses, go for it.
take responsibility and live your life to the fullest,
that's what it means to me :)

in french, it is 'la pluie ne nouse arretera jamais'
either one of them i would love for my first or second tattoo.
i was thinking i could get it around my wrist, like a bracelet.
the words wrapped around.
but then veins :|

and im really happy at the moment, just in general.
my life is just headed in the best direction possible, and i love it :)
that's all for now :)

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